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Now gives Gragas 50 range on his next attack. Cosmic Enchantress Lulu is currently set at 1350 RP subject to change.
We're opening the door for non-crit builds to shine by adding or reworking new tools for spellslingers and lane bullies alike, and by reining in lane sustain to make early aggression a more effective path to victory. As PBE testers, you can help us take the xi from promising to great and give it the best chance of succeeding when the live alpha begins. Defensive Ball Curl also amplifies his passive by 50 percent. Get silly this season by playing the same champ as your teammates in this wacky and accelerated twist on Summoner's Ring. Movement speed boost duration lowered at later ranks. We're also decreasing the terrain control she brings from her ultimate, as it's bringing too much utility beyond just its roam strength. Jungle XP and Gold is tuned so that it is advantageous to split it between two zip. AP scaling increased from 40 percent to 50.
The specifics of which numbers are changing are targeted at his up-front burst rather than damage that's harder to set up, like Timewinder's second hit or Chronobreak's 4-second timesplosion. In trying to offer more diversity in strategic choices one might say strategic diversity , we've identified turret death lasers as being the ones inhibiting alternative paths to victory like split-pushing. We jumped the gun on listing this last patch - sorry! The gameplay of getting a lot of small, mini-use active items is cool, but too often it's optimal to just sell everything and accelerate builds.
- We're slightly lengthening its respawn time so these river fights are a little less frequent, making the regular camps a little bit more rewarding to avoid pushing junglers back in experience across the board. So far, they include changes to Graves and Cassiopeia, as well as several changes around the Forbidden Idol item lines.
League of Legends Patch 8. Major changes to Baron, Rift Herald and mid lane mages aim to make games less likely to snowball out of control early on. These changes to mana items should make wave clear champions, like Taliyah and Cassiopeia, less powerful picks. Mages pretty much have two mana states: pre-mana purchase and post-mana purchase. During their first trip to lane, mages have to be very careful about when they cast spells or they risk going oom and being stuck in lane for a while with little or no mana. Once they've backed and acquired their laning item, many mages feel like they can spam spells almost mindlessly—especially with blue buff. We're making a lot of changes to base mana, mana regeneration, and mana sustain mage items with the overall goal of letting mages be more spell happy at the start of the game, but more conscientious about when they use their spells in the early-mid game. With a bit more attention needing to be paid to mana, we're pumping a little more power mostly ability power into their core items so that when they do land a spell, it'll pack more punch. The new Doran's Ring will help mages feel better about csing without using spells, allowing them more opportunities to trade directly with their laning opponents. Max mana increase now increases current mana by current percentage of mana. It'll still be the late-scaling item that delivers mad ability power once you've stacked it and upgraded it to Archangel's Staff, but it won't replenish your mana quite as well. This applies to Manamune and Archangel's Staff as well. Missile spread time decreased. Some feel-good buffs—as well as a bit more gold efficiency—should be just what the doctor ordered. If an item lets you start a fight, it's a bit concerning when they can also make sure you win that fight. That being said, it looks like we released Twin Shadows weak even by that standard, so we're giving it a bit more ability power. With the cost of Lost Chapter going up, we don't want Seeker's Armguard to take that much longer to purchase in those rough matchups. Ability power from activation decreased. Combine cost and total cost increased. Shifting some of its active's ability power into its base statline should make the item slightly more accessible. First, you have to invest gold, but then, even if you're already at 10 stacks, you have to get a few more to get the bonus effect. This feels even worse when you would have had more than 10 stacks, but had been capped by Dark Seal. Currently, champions who build more ability power than attack damage get some percentage of their ability power as additional magic damage whenever they attack a tower. We're upping that ratio, and also converting their whole attack to magic damage, not just the bonus damage. Champions 25 mages have more mana regen and base mana, but less mana growth. Mages are also getting some changes to their mana pools and their mana growth. So, we're only adjusting their mana regen, but leaving their base mana and mana growth untouched. Amumu already has a pretty weak early game, but he's extra-penalized for failed ganks because they leave his mana pool too low to effectively return to clearing. This is especially bad for Amumu players who max Q, and prevents Amumu players from feeling comfortable opting into a utility-based build. Caitlyn's headshot against non-champions is a bit much, giving her neutral monster damage and sustain from lifesteal that is well above what feels appropriate. We're aligning the formula closer to Headshot's damage to champions to decrease her ability to quickly heal up off of monsters and minions. Passive - Headshot DAMAGE TO CHAMPIONS +50 percent modified by critical strike total attack damage unchanged UPDATED DAMAGE TO NON-CHAMPIONS +100 percent modified by critical strike total attack damage Dr. Mundo R healing increased. Dr Mundo needs a bit more overall durability if he is to successfully go where he pleases. Compared to similar juggernauts looking at you, Darius , Garen is underwhelming. We're adding a bit more damage and durability so he can better scale as the game goes on. Now that Irelia is no longer a new—and thus potentially volatile—champion, we feel comfortable taking risks we didn't on her release. One of those risks was her potential to end up a stronger jungler than toplaner, and so we'd put an intentional limit on her clear speed. Now that she's in a more stable spot, we feel comfortable turning the parking brake off and letting her push down on that gas pedal. Passive - Ionian Fervor UPDATED MONSTER STACKS Now also refreshes its duration when attacking large monsters Ivern Passive health cost decreased. Passive maturation time decreased at later ranks. Q missile width increased. Ivern's passive makes him a unique jungler, and we're looking to keep that. However, his early game is a bit too punishing. We're also making his mid-game farming less costly and his Q a bit easier to land to smooth out the learning curve just a bit. Missile damage is now flagged as area of effect. Dialing back Kai'Sa's late game scaling a bit so she doesn't carry quite so hard. Specifically, the interaction of her abilities with certain items—primarily healing from spell damage—ramps her into territory which can get excessive. Kassadin currently needs a bit more help to get through his laning phase. W active base damage decreased; ability power ratio increased. Kennen now loses E defenses but gains attack speed upon exiting lightning form. Kennen is one of those champions who has seen success with both attack damage and ability power builds. At the moment, both of them are struggling. We're looking to add strength to both playstyles, and also move some of Kennen's power around to ensure that those two playstyles are somewhat different from one another. Now that Aftershock is in a less dominant state, we feel comfortable returning some of Leona's damage to make sure she's not Eclipsed by the competition. W shield now doubles on return even if it hadn't hit an ally on the way out. E missile speed, radius, and mana cost decreased. E cooldown at later ranks decreased. Lux's high ranged poke—thanks to Lucent Singularity's consistency—limits how much power she can have elsewhere. By making E harder to land, we can put more power into her abilities and let her cast them more often, whether it's to waveclear, initiate trades, or go for picks. She is still rooted for the cast time. Rammus could use a bit more durability to help him feel ok again. W movement speed and resistances decreased. Passive and E range increased. Snapcast R now knocks up for a lower duration and no longer makes enemies untargetable. Charged R missile speed increased. Steadfast Presence's passive gives Poppy a ton of resistances and its active gives her a ton of movement speed, and she relies on those to get in—and stay alive in—a teamfight. We're dialing back on some of those stats to make Poppy less overall consistent at closing the gap and staying alive, and in return strengthening the things she gets to do once while in the thick of things. W ability power damage ratio removed. A relatively unexplored part of Shyvana's fantasy is the whole flying-around-breathing-fire thing. We're moving around some of her ability power ratios to enable more people to try out this play pattern. That way, when players opt into that playstyle, she feels like a different dragon entirely: bombarding enemies with fireballs before descending on the enemy team, not just the same old dragon wearing a magical hat. Power Chord damage increased. Sona gets a lot of Power Chords over the course of the laning phase and—combined with the base attack damage changes—she'll be lay down more chip damage and go for the kill. Getting a maximum sphere ultimate off on should feel like the Syndra player has managed her Spheres well and was rewarded with a big play. Her passive's current Dark Sphere upgrade makes getting those big ultimates far too easy to pull off. We're shifting that bonus to increase the value of landing those Dark Spheres instead, so that Syndra players will feel more rewarded by landing a few Spheres before they go for the kill. Q damage decreased at later ranks. Dialing that back should help him feel more fair to play against, but he'll still be strong early. Ziggs could use a bit more oomph as the game goes on. We're not looking to up his poke damage, but when he does commit to a fight, we think he needs a bit more boom. Ziggs also got mana changes as part of our mage mana refactor, so check out that section below. This'll make sense, we promise. Jhin's Passive - Whisper looks at how much bonus attack damage he has, then gives you a percent of that as additional bonus AD. This is also how Rageblade's stacks work! Infernal Drake too, but we'll ignore that for the moment. So, Whisper gives Jhin some bonus AD. Then, Rageblade gives him another chunk, taking Whisper's bonus into consideration. I gotta correct for that extra bit. Then Rageblade decides it needs to take that little bit into consideration. Repeat forever—this doesn't give infinite attack damage since the amount gets smaller each time, but it's still considerably more than Rageblade should be granting. The fix to this is for multipliers to all look at the same baseline instead of talking to each other. We'll need to do this for every multiplier in the game, but each one has to be rebuilt individually. The Jhinsoo's interaction is a big enough problem, though, that it's worth getting Guinsoo's recoded before the rest fixing Jhin's passive only affects Jhin, while Rageblade gives us consistency across its users. BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Rageblade interacted with other bonus attack damage-granting effects to grant more attack damage than intended lookin' at you, Jhin, Master Yi, Infernal Drake, etc. Epic Monsters Baron Nashor Base damage decreased. Some team compositions—those without tanks—find Baron way too threatening. We're shifting Baron's damage to distribute more over the whole party and not just one target. To make sure Baron is still contestable, we're upping its health, so it takes longer to bring down. With Baron requiring more time to kill and spreading its damage around the whole team, opposing teams should have more time to contest, and a bigger teamfight advantage if they do. Baron corruption attack is also represented with different visual particles now to make the difference more clear. Summoned Rift Herald Takes less damage from charging. Does more damage to towers with charge. Takes more damage from eye pokes. Rift Herald is the Baron of pre-20 minutes: a strong option for teams who are ahead and want to widen their lead. We want players who use Rift Herald well to be more rewarded, potentially with multiple towers, while players who drop Rift Herald at the wrong time will be more easily punished. For teams that are even, getting an eye proc should successfully shut her down, but without it, expect her to continue her rampage. Unsealed Spellbook was intended to offer a keystone option for players who wanted to be able to reactively opt into a different summoner spell to match the current game state. Problem is, the old Unsealed Spellbook required far too much advance planning, and then locked the player into that choice for far too long. In reality, many players took Unsealed Spellbook just for a lower Flash cooldown, not caring a ton about the swapping gameplay except to get Teleport every once in awhile. The new Unsealed Spellbook can be swapped anywhere—as long as you're out of combat. Once you use the new summoner spell, it's back to your old one. This solves both of the previous problems: requiring too much preparation, and locking you in for too long. Swap one of your equipped summoner spells to a new, single-use summoner spell. After using the single-use summoner spell, your original summoner spell will swap back in. FIRST SWAP AVAILABLE 6 minutes SWAP COOLDOWN 4 minutes, permanently reduced by 15 seconds each time you swap to a summoner spell you haven't yet swapped to STILL TICKING Your original summoner spells continue cooling down in the background while swapped out STORE COMES TO YOU You can now swap your summoner spells anywhere on the map as long as you're out of combat BUGFIX 3.